I need help to solve a problem with machining programme ,it has more that 9999 steps, any solution to solve this problem, The error that i had is Alarm 4202[19]
Thank you
I need help to solve a problem with machining programme ,it has more that 9999 steps, any solution to solve this problem, The error that i had is Alarm 4202[19]
Thank you
The standard step in a job is 9999 therefore you must create two job with step lower than this number. For example create two job with names POCHE3-1 and POCHE3-2 that have step lower than 9999. and also you need a main job to CALL this jobs.
Thank you for helping me. Do you know a method to divide it into steps of less than 9999 because my file has more than 21,000 lines?
have you checked if the memory is full? you might need to delete some programs from the memory to free space
Thank you for helping me. Do you know a method to divide it into steps of less than 9999 because my file has more than 21,000 lines?
Ho you create your job? Which software are you using to create job?
If you are using third party software to create job, you need change in post processor.
If you know Python, you can write some code to give this job and create two job or more.
have you checked if the memory is full? you might need to delete some programs from the memory to free space
The limitation in steps aren't for memory, there are 9999 step limitation in jobs.
there are 2 limitations for each job. The maximum number of points is 9999 BUT there is also a limitation in the total file size. if you have too many comments for example the KB of the file is bigger and even if you are below the maximum number of points the controller will not be able to load it.
when the robot loads the job it loads at first the steps so you need to have enough step memory and then it loads the actual program which is also being checked for syntax.
to download the multiple jobs you can use ftp or MotoDCI