So I was at Fanuc a few weeks ago and we got to talking about options. The Space Check function came up in our conversations and one of the instructors there stated that Fanuc would eventually be getting rid of the Space Check option as DCS can control this. I agreed that it could but asked how you could allow the end user to use the Position/Speed check without compromising the rest of the robots safeties by supplying them the DCS Master code to make said changes. I was told that you could set up other codes to allow certain things in DCS to be changed without using the master code. Looking through the manual I see Local Codes for Base, Position/Speed check, and I/O Connect. Per the manual it says that if you make changes in only these areas that the Local Codes can be used to apply them. Ive tried testing this in Simpro without any success. This would be great if actually works, b/c at the moment if a maintenance person were to remaster any axis on the robot then I would have to supply the master code to apply the DCS settings in the controller. I was hoping someone on here has possibly figured this out and gotten it to work!! Many thanks!
DCS Local Codes! Anyone used them?
mparsons -
September 3, 2014 at 2:51 PM -
Thread is Resolved
i cant get it to work on roboguide either. ill try it on a robot in the morning and see if it works.
works great on a real robot. i tried it on handlingtool 8.2. i took a backup of the robot and serialized the one in roboguide, and it still didn't work in roboguide. the data isnt saved in the or the files. i loaded some on my robot from the roboguide cell and it didnt wipe out my local codes.