additional include directories for ktrans?

  • Hoping someone here knows: in Roboguide it is possible to set 'additional include directories' where it will look for Karel sources that you %INCLUDE. This is rather convenient when trying to create reusable libraries.

    I'm looking for the same functionality when using ktrans.exe, but I just can't seem to find it. ktrans has a number of options, but none of them seem related to this.

    I then tried to find out whether robot.ini would contain something I could work with, but appending a path to the Support key (with a semi-colon as separator, as in Roboguide) doesn't seem to work.

    Any ideas?

  • As far as I know there is no way to define additional include directories. I've often wished for this myself.

    In the past I've generally just copied (or symlinked) files to the /support dir. Another option would be to write a tool to manage the dependencies outside of ktrans (e.g. copy/symlink the necessary files to the /support directory temporarily during translation).

  • Was afraid this was going to be the case. Really annoying. Does Fanuc take feature requests? :).

    Re: creating some tooling: yes, that was going to be my next approach. I don't really like the extra IO though. And don't users need administrator capabilities for creating hard/symlinks?

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