boot diskette for IRB 140 s4c+

  • Hi Dear my friends

    I have a abb irb 140 s4c+ that the network card for sevice port doesn't work properly.
    I make the boot diskette by robinstall but when i insert the diskette one after read it this error appear: wrong diskette
    Would you please send the any complete boot diskette for this kind of robot, it is not important use from my back up
    I need just boot diskette system .

    Many thanks and best regards.

  • If you make the boot diskettes from the key string for this robot then everything should be OK. Check the first disk ( file) to see if it is the correct one.
    If you run robinstall then it may be easier to download the system pack from the PC using the service port so then there will be no errors with the disks.

    BR<br />prnuk2003

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