Nachi Ax controller: Format and configuration

  • Hello,

    I am Nachi operater. In my factory, power is suddenly off and Nachi pendant show windows when i started robot:
    - "No constant file found. Create content" and OK button, i pressed Ok
    - It will show new windows: "Format and Configuration" have 9 items :
    + 1 Format
    + 2 Register Mechanism
    + 3 Register unit file
    + 11 Option setting
    + 12 Change the display languge
    + 13 Initialize internal memory Dev
    + 16 File Restore
    + 18 Repair Internal memory Devive
    + 99 File copy
    Now I don't know how to fix this problem. I hope forum will help me to fix it.

    Thank you very much.

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