Hi All,
I'm working on a Fanuc R2000 robot in a palletizing application. To cut a long story short, the integrator who put it together seems to have been on their first ever project! (They also went bankrupt half way through, so it's a cobbled together mess). I've never seen anything like it. There is no apparent logic to how any of it was put together, lots of issues, etc.
The company needs a change made so that a new TP program would be called in place of the old one. I've found the location where the original TP is called (inside a macro), overwrote that command, but the robot still doesn't enter the new TP program. Obviously something else is directing it into the original TP. My question is, aside from combing through every line of code, is there a way to find references to a particular TP (similar to a cross reference?)
I'm aware I can open the TP programs through a web browser and find keywords that way, but I don't know of a way to look through macros using this method, and since the first reference I found was in a macro, the second one might be too.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!