I'm relatively new to Fanuc with a bit of experience with ABB robots. I have a M-710ic that is very new. We're running an R&D project and have changed the dispense tool on the robot. This is the second time we've done this in a few months. The first time I was able to change the tool frame without issue. I changed the tool frame again using the 6 point method and now cannot achieve any kind of linear motion in jogging. It will jog around the tool center point, just not in a linear motion. The part that confuses me, is the robot will run existing programs perfectly. I need to write new programs and would prefer to have the capability to jog in linear movements for this. In checking the individual axis, it appears that J3 is off by 30 mm or so. I did not master this robot, it was handed off to me once it was initially set up. I don't know if this axis has been this way from day one or not. Any input would be greatly appreciated.