I would like to start working with the software package Kuka.Sim and Kuka.Officelite and I have some problems/questions:
1. Is it possible to connect Kuka.Officelite and Kuka.SimTech in the same PC? (All the tutorials I have read only talk about the link with Kuka.Sim Pro).
2. If I want to work with Kuka KR 5 ARC robot which version of OfficeLite I have to install?
3 Is it possible to add specific applications to the software packages such as Kuka.ArcTech?
4 Nowadays, I'm trying to create the connection with Kuka.SimTech 2.1 and KukaOfficeLite KR c V5.2. When I install the officelite programme the License File works fine but the problem appears when I try to put the same License File on Kuka KRC vcrMgr, the file is not valid. Does anybody know why it happens?
Thanks beforehand and sorry for the interrogatory,
Jose Manuel Pastor