Hi there. I am having issues witha RJ3iB controller. When the robot is booting up it loads the flash files and file devices fine, but when it gets to starting system software it craps out. I have had this robot a long time and this is the first real issue I have ever seen with it. Anyone have any ideas what I can check? Thanks
rj3 software
rhogue_il -
November 2, 2013 at 2:11 AM -
Thread is Resolved
When in doubt cold start. Try holding shift + reset while cycling power to see if this changes boot up.
I tried a cold start and got the same results. I am starting to think that we lost the software somehow. Anyone have software for a rj3 welding robot? If so my email address is rhogue1@yahoo.com. Thanks
What model robot?
Its an arc mate 120. (120 I think, not right next to it at the moment.)
I have the same problem, but with a S430-IW with RJ3 controller with handling .Someone have this software for i install...if yes pls contact me jullianokuja@gmail.com
thank you
check the leds (8) on the computer board and look at fault finding section in manual. Gives a good indication of problem during startup
on the start up show error 7 (sysfail) but after 5 secs go to zero, and stay at zero.
i thingh its software, because the battery from cpu was dead at least for one year.
when was the last time this controller booted up properly?
just god knows....
Do you have any backups?
nops...we already buy from a auction..dont have nothing from backups...
try to do an init start
Power the robot off
Press and hold F1 and F5 and turn the control on.
Continue holding the buttons down until it bootsthen select init start
If the software can be restored it will be "reset" to factory original.
INIT Start will reset to factory sdefault, but with no application software in it (handlingtool, arctool, etc...)
So, from that point you'll need a application software to install on !
Not correct Larek! The application software will be there.
An INIT start will clear FROM and SRAM and then load FROM from SDRAM.
The software will be in the same state it was in when it was originally loaded.
No config, no I/O, no mastering, and no teach pendant programs -
Hi Racermike123,
It was a long time ago, but ... I have the same problem now, my conroller RJ3 and robot Arcmate 120i. Open robot and screen "Files Load OK and System Start Please Wait"stays on screen. CPU board battery 3v okey. I try "Shift+Reset Cold Start but no changes. Cpu board digit "7 sysfail" I read your articles on the subject. The programs and configuration inside the robot are very important. The robot has no backup. Press and hold down the "F1+F5" keys in the drop-down menu can I backup? How to solve problems without damaging programs and configuration? How I install "init Start" menu. What way do I have to go?
Respects.. -
Byrol I am sorry but if it won't boot up and you have no back ups your screwed.
I hate it when this happens. RJ3 has a controller backup option, depending on the software version, but if it won't boot up, the back up may not be any good.
Press F1 and F5 on boot up select controller back up and restore.
Then select full controller backup, I think that's what is called.
If it backs up you can look at the files and see if there are any TP programs or I/O config files in the back up. Then you can do the INIT Start.
That is what I would do. Good Luck! With the 7 on the CPU you may have a bad CPU. You can try removing and reinstalling the CPU and SRAM
Hi all,
I have software coruption problem with RJ3 controller and S430iF robot. Anyone have the software RJ3 v6.40, pls contact me via roboto1603@gmail.com.
Thanks alot.