Anybody ever encounter problem while copying files from D drive to R1/Program? I am unable to copy any file to R1/Program. Will it be from USB or Internal Hard Disk. Already reinstall the whole system. I am using KRC2 V5.6.9
Anybody ever encounter problem while copying files from D drive to R1/Program? I am unable to copy any file to R1/Program. Will it be from USB or Internal Hard Disk. Already reinstall the whole system. I am using KRC2 V5.6.9
If you are copying a really big file or if you are copying a large amount of files there are some limitations, but usually you get some error message. Is this the case?
Are you trying to overwrite an existing program or create a new one? If it's the former then is the program linked? It has an infinity icon under the name if it is.
If you are replacing and copying from the D: drive then it maybe......need more details!
I am just copying 4 files each with around 4000 lines. There is no error message. But if I "Cut" and "Paste" it works, Somehow "copy" and "paste" doesn't work.
It just stop there. We already have reinstalled window and KSS just because of that.
i am new user of KUKA RC 20/41 dont know how to program it.some body should help me that i want to run previous program(old program) but dont which option should i select kindly help me,if any suggestion or regarding any data please send me at engr_sultan_ahmed@yahoo.com.
Start here: https://www.robot-forum.com/robotforum/man…ss-version-5-2/
I am just copying 4 files each with around 4000 lines. There is no error message. But if I "Cut" and "Paste" it works, Somehow "copy" and "paste" doesn't work.
It just stop there. We already have reinstalled window and KSS just because of that.
4000? Yikes!
I have never experienced a situation where Cut&Paste works but Copy&Paste does not. However, it is known that such large programs sometimes cause the system to behave unpredictably. I would suggest experimenting with smaller programs (3000, 2000, 1000 lines, etc) and see if there is an identifiable threshold where the problem begins occurring.
If I understand right, the RC 20/41 existed before rhe actual creation of time! I don't think it is supported anymore anywhere, by anyone and under no circumstances. Including availability of parts and manuals (even used).
hey try to give cold start to the controller and delete unwanted programs from your c drive and then try.............