Can anyone help me with a step by step description for a system backing of an ABB irb6400 S4 controller?
Can anyone help me with a step by step description for a system backing of an ABB irb6400 S4 controller?
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Yes it is.
Perfect. Thank you.
Do you have a pdf with this manual?
If it is S4 then it depends on what robotware version. Only very late versions had the backup option - you will see the option in service\ file if it s present.
Otherwise save all your parameters through ' system parameters'
Then in programming window, view 6. Modules then 'save all modules as.... ' to a floppy disc (every module in the list including base and user).
Then to be 100% sure go to the file manager and copy all modules on ramdisk to a folder on a floppy disk.
You are basically doing everything manually that a backup does in s4c+ to its various folders such as syspar, rapid home etc. (s4c didn't backup any ramdisk files)
hello, what can i do? if the make it the backup in sc4plus in the size of file is more big than a floppy (1.44 mb), best regards
Backup to the ram disk, then use FTP to retrieve a copy. I prefer Filezilla.