parallel / concurrent jobs?

  • Hey,

    I want to optimize a robot program on a MRC controller. Right now, the robot is receiving almost 10 different positions from a plc. This datatransfer needs about 20 seconds and is performed every 5min.

    So I want to change the program that the transfer is running "in the background" while the robot is working. I know that I need the sub-tasks and "pstart". But I don't know the basic way to solve my problem.

    My ideas so far:

    Masterjob = starts sub1 and sub2
    sub1 = data transfer
    sub2 = robot job

    This works fine until I want to move therobot by MOVJ or sth. The Error is 6220: Only concurrent job possible.

    So.. can anybody give me some more informations about parallel jobs?


  • Your mater job has to be a non-motion type job, no controlled axis. The data transfer job also has to be non-motion and the robot job would be an R1 job. After you PSTART the data transfer job and the robot job you have to put in the PWAIT for sub 1 and sub2.


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