We have 3 robot cells all with RJ3-iB Controllers and R-2000iA robots attached with servo guns for spot welding. Each cell has a controller that controls a turntable and 2 trunions. These controllers all seem to share the same problem. The teach pendants run very slowly and it can't even update the speed while running unless you mash the button continuously. All the menus take 5 seconds or more to load. One of the robots has also developed a very loud clunk noise whenever it makes linear moves. We know it is not mechanical because we switched robots out and the same thing is happening. It's like the robot can't process the data fast enough so it has to catch up and jerks around. We just increased the digital I/O from 64 points to 128 and that made the problem even worse. We are thinking it is a memory issue but fanuc says all our numbers look fine.
Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this issue?
Edit: All the robots now have the large clunking sound and slowdown when changing the speed happening but it is only during a linear move. A program with all joint moves doesn't have any problems when we try to change the speed and no clunks.