To remaster or not?

  • How do i know when a remaster is needed?

    The application does not need to be perfectly precise but i just want to make sure the linear lines and accuracy is OK for operation.
    If I remaster it or do a quick master how will i know if the last person did it properly...

    Because i am worried if i do a zero master the programs in the robot as of now will be off after I perform it?

    And there are no witness marks on the robot could I just watch the position screen until they are at zero?

    Before I try to do anything i would like some input if you guys have any


  • Is it a working robot or you have the luxury to start from zero ?
    I don't know nothing about your robot or system but I would do this for your piece of mind

    Move to zero position in ll the axis
    Find out (picture is good enough) if that looks like the original zero pos from fanfic
    Hopefully it is
    Measure the the axis are 90 degrees with a protractor
    If everything looks good, make your own witness marks. This will help you in the future

    To tell you the truth, if you have a bunch of programs running just go to zero and marked even if they are not perfect. You have been running like that for a while, so all the progs are based on 'that' zero

    Retired but still helping

  • Robot is a R-2000iA with an RJ3iB controller:

    Yes it was working at one time. I was not there at that time. and I am not sure if we plan on setting up the same system or not. So you are saying for me to move all axis to zero..So the "pin" position should show all degrees at zero on the position screen? But physically 90 degrees with the protractor?

    if they are not going to reprogram them i will return to the existing zero and mark it, but if they do want to reprogram i can create my own at a closer value i guess?

    I guess i just don't understand why u would have to remaster unless you disconnect an encoder or have a battery alarm. shouldn't the encoders always count correctly from zero forever unless something is disconnected; zero should stay and never uncalibrate itself right, or can it over time?

    Thanks for your response!
    One more question: the manual says I have to use a ATA flash card to back the RJ3iB controller up I have a 256MB ATA will this be OK?

    ..on our older RJ2's i was using Kfloppy, and sometimes a 2MB SRAM card since RJ2 kept formatting my 4MB card to 256kb for some reason.. do you know why?

    Sorry this was a long post.

  • If the batteries go bad, and believe me I had a set go bad after 3 months. And you lose power at anytime, you will probably have to remaster. But all robots should have witness marks for reference. Even with witness marks in case you would loose home because of this situation it usually means you have to touch up some points, depending on how accurate your points need to be.

  • One more question: the manual says I have to use a ATA flash card to back the RJ3iB controller up I have a 256MB ATA will this be OK?

    ..on our older RJ2's i was using Kfloppy, and sometimes a 2MB SRAM card since RJ2 kept formatting my 4MB card to 256kb for some reason.. do you know why?

    Yes, the 256MB card will be just fine. There will be PLENTY of space left over. The RJ2 - different story. Its must use an SRAM card. It wont work with PCMCIA ->Compact flash cards like the RJ3 and newer can use. The PCMCIA connection is the same, but whole different beast as far as the card and communication are concerned. Fanuc doesnt recomment using anything larger than 2mb for these older robots.

    Hope this helps.. -Eric

  • Chipprogr:

    Good information. I have used the 2MB SRAM cards to back up RJ2 and I just had to dump it 4 times to save just the controller.
    When I did try my 4MB SRAM it always formatted to all weird, so yes the 4MB did not work.

    But for the RJ3iB I was going to use the PCMIA ATA 256MB flash card. I was hoping that would work so i didn't have to use Kfloppy since that takes roughly 2 hours. lol.

    So I should be able to get the controller, system files, TPProg, app files, and Error log with the 256MB card all in one swoop hopefully.

  • Yes. It will all fit nicely. If your doing a controller image, you will most likely have to dump the card after the image because the process erases the card first, or at least I believe it does. Been awhile since Ive done this.

  • OK is this because I need a different setting screen to save the image? ive mostly only worked with older controllers so image backups never done.

  • Bill,
    I think R-J3iB you still have to do it from a BMON start. Power down, power back up while holding F1 and F5 until its done.

    Also if your memory is big enough you can do both backups. File/Backup "all of the above" does delete all files - but not folders and your image will be folders FROM 1 etc

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