Converting TP programs to text file

  • Hello again fellas.

    Is there anyone who can help me with this one. I'd like to view my teach pendant (TP) programs on my PC in a format that looks like the line code I see on the teach pendant screen itself.

    All my TP programs that I've backed up consist of files that have the ".tp" extension. Opening these files in Notepad (or any other word processor) doesn't give any legible view. It's just a bunch of archaic characters and symbols.

    I've heard that there's a way to convert these files (or maybe uploading the files in some other kind of format) that will allow me to open the TP program on my computer in Notepad and see the line code just as they appear on the teach pendant screen.

    Can anyone help me with this? I appreciate any help.


  • The program I use for viewing, editing and saving TP-programs is Tpeditor from Fanuc.
    When I need a textfile, I print it to a file and then format it in notepad. (or excel)

    If it is for viewing only, you can try to save the file in LS-format. (not in the computer, but from the robot)
    That is a normal text format.
    But that seems to be an option, and none of my robots have it...:-(

  • fstp_tech

    R30iA R30ib
    select device to backup properly
    on the file menu,look for the item MAINTENANCE to do the backup,

    select device to backup properly
    also in the file menu, look for COPY, select MD to copy from and MC or USB to save to ,then DO_COPY

    BE very careful it's FROM MD

    Older controller, I dont know
    Use the search button on the forum, this question it's been ask before

    Retired but still helping

  • I know since R-J3 you have been able to do a "Copy" from the select list.
    With a memory device inserted, highlight the program in the select list, press next and "copy"
    This creates a ___.LS file on your device. Do an open with/select word/click on "always use...."

    Ooops, I meant PRINT not copy

    Edited once, last by Doctor_C ().

  • Send me your e-mail and i will send you a file i use to convert the tp programs so i can read them in notepad. I load the program, step it through and backup my tp files to a memory card and then i can open them in notepad. It wont let me upload it as it says " file not recognized"


  • Dear Fellas,

    I've got the same issue as this title of thread. I have no any installer or software to convert tp file to text file.

    Really need to read the tp file in my PC for study purpose.

    Anyone can share the installer with me?

    Thanks a lot.

  • What type of controller you have? You can use robots web server for downloading listing of your program.

  • Hello,

    Newer Controllers have the ability to save as ascii which is .LS simply from the file menu. MENU>FILE>BACKUP>NEXT>ASCII PROGRAM. Older controllers can save as ascii but using the print function. After you highlight the program you would like you can arrow over with the Next Key and select Print. Using a USB or a MC it will save the program as .Ls and you can open it in notepad. (Sucks that there's no confirmation that it worked though)

    Also, Newer controllers have an Ascii Program loader option you can buy to load programs created in notepad back into the controllers and another weird this is I believe the ascii loader was a standard option till I think 6.20v.

  • I have been trying to get LS files from my R-J3 machine but when I press 'PRINT' it displays message 'file is not open'. On my R-J3iB I hit print with a memory card (MC) installed and it saves LS to the MC. I thought I might need to activate my MC on the R-J3 machine but I don't seem to have an option for that either.

    Can anyone walk this newb through the process?


  • Here is a program to translate TP -> LS.
    Just run the .bat file to translate all files in the folder (You have to copy the TP files to the same folder)>

    Thanks for sharing, mininel.

    Worked better with some programs than RJ Translator (but in my tests I also had problems with some prints).

  • Send me your e-mail and i will send you a file i use to convert the tp programs so i can read them in notepad. I load the program, step it through and backup my tp files to a memory card and then i can open them in notepad. It wont let me upload it as it says " file not recognized"


    If it is other then Rj Translater or updated version of Rj. please also provide me on
    As when i am trying to convert latest Robot file, it is giving syntax error or not giving Spot instruction after conversion.

  • I print .TP program as .LS to USB stick and after editing I use little program called maketp.exe from WinOLPC provided by Fanuc with Roboguide.

    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." A.C. Clarke

  • WojciechL,
    What is the process you are using for maketp.exe? I was trying that today and it said I had to run setrobot.exe, so I did that and the robot selection window popped up like it does in Roboguide then I selected the robot and press the Select button and the window closed. I typed maketp.exe /p and hit enter and it says a robot has not been defined yet, run Setrobot. I copied the LS file to the folder that has the EXE files so it should have been able to see the LS file.

    Any thoughts on this? I have an engineer that could use this process if I can get it working.

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